From October 2008 - Overall goal to get to 64kg from 108kg

Follow me on my rollercoaster journey to a slimmer Rachel!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The long weekend

We're off today for the long weekend in our caravan to make sure everything works before we head off on our bug adventures!!
I've been eating for the sake of it lately, so I'm trying to get to the bottom of why I do it! I think that one of my problems is that if I'm counting ww points or counting calories, if I have something that I didn't intentionally want I think Öh stuff it, I'll start again tomorrow"so my "diet plan"all goes to pot. So, I'm trying a different approach. I know what's healthy and what's not, so I'm not going to point or count. I'm going to watch what carbs I'm eating and will try not eat bread and potatoes for dinner and I will see how I go.
I'm also going to start the Couch to 5K program, that really helped last time.
Watch this space.............

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My final new start!!!!!!!!!

I've re-joined WeightWatchers and am going to incorporate some advice into it that the Nutrionist told me.

  • Stop eating when you are 80% full. Don't carry on eating everything on the plate until you are totally stuffed. I'm going to do this and adjust the points accordingly.

  • Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a Prince and dinner like a Pauper. So, I'm going to have carbs with my breakfast and no carbs for dinner.

  • Make sure you have protein in every meal and for snacks.

  • Eat every 2-3 hours (small portions)

  • You could opt for soups, smoothies, shakes for dinner.

  • Drink lots of hebal teas throughout the day. Drinking warmer/hot water actually boosts your metabolism.

  • Drink sparkling mineral water of an evening, to keep your tummy feeling full.

  • Take magnesium powder dissolved in water at evening time, also take a good women's multi-vitamin.

I'm going to reduce the amounts of carbs I have, because I've been reading so much as to how carbs actually make you fat.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Another big change

I haven't been on here for absolutely ages (hanging my head in shame!!) But!!!!! We've just moved out of our house and are staying in our friends house while they are on holiday. We've bought a Jayco Expanda Outback caravan and are heading off around the country for 12 months. So with all the stress of that, that's my excuse as to why I haven't been concentrating 100% on my weight loss.

But, not with the thought of wearing singlets and bikini tops, I need to do something!!!! I went to see the nutrionist at Life Express last week and she has given me a really good eating plan and lots of tips, which I shall post soon to share(when I've got chance)