Well, after a little more weight gain, enough is enough! I'm just playing at it. I seem to diet when it suits me an when I can be bothered. I haven't been to the gym in goodness knows how long! And, I can remember the feeling I had when I'd been....I felt fantastic, so I've decided to set a new realistic (I think and hope!) goal.
I want to get to 65kg (which was what I was on Christmas Eve) for our Wedding Annivesary on 9th September. So that's just over 18 weeks away. If I can lose more, then that's fab, but I'm going to set that as my goal.
I'm also a bit "over" counting points, so I've going to see how this goes: no drinking alcohol, exercising (step and pump classes, gym work and also additional walking at home) and following the WeightWatchers plan, but just not pointing it. I think sometimes that this is why I go off on a tangent, because I don't have the time to sit and log everything online.
So watch this space :)
Slow Cooker Bolognese
8 hours ago